Denver Internet

Connection Settings

Technical Support:
POP (Incoming E-Mail) Server:
SMTP (Outgoing E-Mail) Server:
Primary DNS Server:
Secondary DNS Server:
Authentication Type: PAP

Operating System Details for Windows, Linux and Macintosh

Microsoft Windows
Once you have established an account with Denver Internet, create a new Dialup Networking Connection using the settings above. Also make sure that you have TCP/IP loaded.
Also, you should have TCP/IP settings (Dial-up Networking Properties) set to:
Server assigned IP Address
Server assigned name server addresses
Use IP header Compression - should be OFF.
Use default gateway - should be ON.

If you are not sure how to complete these steps please call our support number or you may email us at .

The easiest way to connect using Linux is with one of the many available X Windows programs. (kppp, Xisp, PPPui, etc). If you do not wish to use one of these utilities, we recommend using diald or a combination of pppd and chat. Configure your script to dial our number, then start ppp immediately (we'll grab the LCP packets and start a PPP connection without your needing to login at a prompt). Make sure that you have set +pap as an option in your ppp configuration file. For further information refer to the diald, chat, and pppd man pages. In addition, RedHat has a wonderful PPP-HOWTO which should also be available at your favorite HOWTO archive and at the RedHat website.

Configure your PPP software with the settings above. For any settings not expressly listed here, your software default should work. If you have any questions, please contact our support line.